Relocation Photos, October 16, 2004

Eastbound I-94 approaching Exit 294 near Waukesha. Formerly, this interchange
served only CTH-J with both directions of STH-164 accessed from the next
interchange to the east, Exit 295. Notice both the temporarily covered STH-164
marker as well as the uncovered "STH-164 SOUTH" listing on the
I-94 EAST "pull-through" sign. Photo ©2004
by Christopher J. Bessert. All Rights Reserved. Photos may not be used in
any manner without prior written permission.

The first STH-164 reassurance marker north of I-94 along what becomes CTH-F
in November 2004. The "Sussex 5" distance sign is left over from
a time when STH-164 actually went to that community prior to 1999. You can
see the new wooden signposts already planted behind the old sign which will
bear the CTH-F marker and other signs. Photo ©2004
by Christopher J. Bessert. All Rights Reserved. Photos may not be used in
any manner without prior written permission.

Old route marker assemblies which have been removed from the STH-164/CTH-J/Pewaukee
Rd & STH-190/Capitol Dr intersection on the eastern edge of the Village
of Pewaukee. These signs were likely removed during the reconstruction of
the intersection and will not be replaced due to the route changes takinge
effect in November. Photo ©2004 by Christopher
J. Bessert. All Rights Reserved. Photos may not be used in any manner without
prior written permission.

STH-164 southbound at the STH-190/Capitol Dr intersection on the eastern edge
of the Village of Pewaukee showing the construction in progress. At the time
of the photo, STH-164 turns left (east) with STH-190 for one mile before
turning south again, while CTH-J continues straight ahead into Waukesha.
In November 2004, STH-164 will continue straight through this intersection
to I-94. Photo ©2004 by Christopher J. Bessert.
All Rights Reserved. Photos may not be used in any manner without prior written

STH-164 and STH-190 reassurance route markers along eastbound Capitol Dr just
east of the STH-164 (North) and CTH-J intersection. As STH-164 will be routed
off this stretch of highway in November 2004, WisDOT has already prepared
by planting a new single wooden signpost behind these existing signs for
the STH-190 marker, which will remain here. Photo ©2004
by Christopher J. Bessert. All Rights Reserved. Photos may not be used in
any manner without prior written permission.

Eastbound STH-190/STH-164/Capitol Dr approaching the STH-164 SOUTH & STH-74
NORTH interchange between Pewaukee and Brookfield. This photo shows how traffic
bound for both southbound STH-164 and northbound STH-74. After November 2004
when STH-164 is relocated onto CTH-J, the existing STH-164 heading southerly
from here will be redesignated CTH-F. The new posts to support the new route
signage here are in place behind the existing signs. Photo ©2004
by Christopher J. Bessert. All Rights Reserved. Photos may not be used in any
manner without prior written permission.

STH-74 & STH-164 route markers posted at the ramp gore along eastbound
STH-190/Capitol Dr. Photo ©2004 by Christopher J.
Bessert. All Rights Reserved. Photos may not be used in any manner without
prior written permission.

Signs posted at the end of the off-ramp from STH-190/Capitol Dr pointing the
way for STH-164 and STH-74 traffic. In November 2004, the highway to the
left will be handed back to Waukesha Co and redesignated CTH-F. Photo ©2004
by Christopher J. Bessert. All Rights Reserved. Photos may not be used in
any manner without prior written permission.

Approaching the intersection of STH-190/STH-164/Capitol Dr westbound at STH-164
NORTH/CTH-J showing the existing route marker assembly which will be replaced
in November when CTH-J to the south is redesignated as part of STH-164. Construction
at the intersection can be seen in the background. Photo ©2004
by Christopher J. Bessert. All Rights Reserved. Photos may not be used in
any manner without prior written permission.

This photo shows construction on CTH-J/Pewaukee Rd south of the STH-190/STH-164/Capitol
Dr intersection. When this construction is complete, this brand new portion
of CTH-J will be transferred to the state and become STH-164. Photo ©2004
by Christopher J. Bessert. All Rights Reserved. Photos may not be used in
any manner without prior written permission.

This rather crappy photo shows the construction along CTH-J between STH-190/Capitol
Dr and Green Rd southeast of the Village of Pewaukee. All traffic is utilizing
the new northbound lanes while the finishing touches are made to the new
southbound lanes. When construction is complete, this portion of CTH-J becomes
STH-164 in November. Photo ©2004 by Christopher
J. Bessert. All Rights Reserved. Photos may not be used in any manner without
prior written permission.
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